DSM Teen Slam

On April 3, 2014, RunDSM hosted the second annual Des Moines Teen Poetry Slam! Sixteen students from across Des Moines Public Schools slammed for their spot to represent DSM at Brave New Voices. Brave New Voices is a growing network of over 70 organizations committed to building safe spaces that challenge young people to develop and present the power of their voices! Check out videos from our 6 top-scoring poets below!

2014 Slam Champions

Leah Waughtal (tied for Grand Slam Champion)

Elhondra Brazzle (tied for Grand Slam Champion)

Susan Stacy (tied for Grand Slam Champion)

Bao Luong

Julio Delgadillo

Russhaun Johnson

2013 Slam Champions

Leah Waughtal (Grand Slam Champion)

Hatte Kelley

Julio Delgadillo

Davonte Binion

Mia Windsor

Torianna Buttrey

2 thoughts on “DSM Teen Slam

  1. When and where is your March 2014 event? I would love to bring a bus of students from Newton, Iowa!

    • rundsm says:

      Paula – our next event is the 2nd Annual DSM Teen Poetry Slam on April 3! See the latest blog post for the official poster! We hope to see you and your students!

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